====== About the ESC: Spectrum, Society and Communication ====== The first edition of the [[.ESC1|ESC]] (initials of the event name in Portuguese) took place in 2011, at the Campinas State University (Unicamp). In 2013, the second edition of the event will occur at PUC-Rio (Rio de Janeiro, RJ) under the coordination of [[http://www.telemidia.puc-rio.br/|Telemídia Lab]], Department of Informatics at PUC-Rio in partnership with the Research Group [[http://cteme.wordpress.com|CTeMe]] (IFCH/UNICAMP), with the World Association of Community Radios [[http://amarcbrasil.org/|(AMARC-Brasil)]] and the [[http://www.sarava.org|Saravá.org]] colective, with funding from [[http://capes.gov.br/|CAPES]], through the [[http://www.capes.gov.br/bolsas/bolsas-no-pais/paep|PAEP]] program, and the [[http://www.opensocietyfoundations.org|Open Society Foundations]]. List of the [[.organiza|Organizing Committee]] and [[.cientifica|Scientific Committee]].